This time of year, loneliness can effect everyone - even those outside our own circles. As the year comes to a close, we challenge you today to spend a few minutes thinking about ways we can all help support the ongoing battle with loneliness many in our communities, and our world, face. Reaching out and connecting with those we care about is crucial to helping make 2018 our Year of Connectedness, and donating to a cause you believe in is a way to reach out to those that are even farther outside our normal 'families'.
Our resources page lists numerous organizations working to help combat loneliness on many levels - from aiding in building connections through fostering relationships (like the Boys and Girls Club of America, or the YMCA), to helping those battling some of the devastating effects of loneliness like addiction and suicide (including the JED Foundation and the Trevor Project). Each of these organizations, and so many others, thrive on donations - and certainly would appreciate all gifts, no matter the size, at this time of year.
We encourage you to consider donating to any organization that you value that helps build stronger and healthier individuals and communities. The organizations can be local or national, tiny in size (like your local community garden association) or grand in scope (like supporting mental health specialists with Doctors without Borders). You can help support people around the world, or in your own neighborhood. The options are endless, and the potential to help others is exponential.
Loneliness will never be curable. It is deeply personal, and it effects everyone at one point or another in life. But it can be lessened, and it can be helped. People around the world are working on this every day - and together we can all help in the ongoing journey toward a more connected, less lonely world.
Your generosity just may save someone's life - what an incredible gift that would be. Thank you for joining us in this important journey, and please let us know of organizations you value.